Sunday, August 9, 2015

Legislating Morality

So, I was at the debates. Didn't go in. Learned a lot from the protesters. Mostly, learned that a number of really uneducated people are being led by someone who is either taking advantage of the ignorant to gain some notoriety, or they are led by the ignorant. Let me show you what I mean;

Point 1. They protested defunding Planned Parenthood. Now that, in and of its self, is not unreasonable. They feel that this is an action that is a result of a moral determination and the idea f using moral ideals to determine the actions of government and laws is a bad thing. I agree.

Point 2. They want to pass a tax law that taxes billionaires at 98%. Their logic? It is immoral for billionaires to exist when there are people hungry in America.

I am sure you can see the first thing wrong here. It is a problem with all sides of a position or moral point. It seems there are people who feel they have the right to determine the morals for other people and to use the government to enforce those morals. This, in itself is immoral. More than that, it highlights the very point I have been making with my campaign.

Government is not a weapon for some one, or a group of someones, to use against other Americans. We need to stop this notion of trying to force people to follow the morals of a majority. This is the cause of much of the upheaval and disunity in America. It is very possible for all the people in America to live and let live. It is very possible for all the people to do what is right in their own eyes. In fact, it is necessary that we, the American public, determine to do that. Let's just all get along.

This has to stop. There is no need to tear at the fabric of peace in America just because you think you are better, smarter, or your morals are more moral. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God”. I want to be a peacemaker. I want to lead all Americans to embrace peace and the notion that “Love Never Demands Its Own Way”.

For my Christian brothers. Please, I beg you, please look into the teachings of JESUS and see that this is not in HIS plans or teachings. Please see that using the government and courts in this way only serves to empower evil and sin. There is a reason JESUS never suggested trying to control people's actions or use the government and courts to force the laws of GOD on people. HE knows what is best and HE knows that this plan of action only empowers the enemy. The enemy is not people. It is a spiritual war that government and laws cannot influence. Only the plans JESUS set down can fight a spiritual battle and bring the power of GOD to heal a spiritual sickness. SO STOP IT.

But, I must take this moment to educate these rather ignorant folk on the reality of life;

First, billionaires don't just make a billion dollars a year. It takes many years. So, at what point do you decide to enact this tax? What ever point that is, people will stop making money a couple dollars before the cut off.

Second, are you really so stupid as to think billionaires have billions in the bank? Most of them billions in assets. Since I am sure your silliness was geared towards Donald Trump, let me just say that his billions are tied up in properties that employ a few thousand people. So, do you want to take his assets and remove the jobs from those people?

I trust this has helped to educate you on just how dumb that protest was. It was so dumb, I can't even remember the other points.

Do yourselves a favor and study what happens in a society where you take away the incentive to grow and flourish.

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