Saturday, August 22, 2015

Blessed are the Peacemakers

“Blessed Are The Peacemakers...”

The reason I am running for president is because I see the damage that is being done by divisive leaders in government and in the Christian community. Everyone of them seems oblivious to the environment of hate and intolerance they create. Every word spoken that denigrates a person, or group of people, results in a schism among the citizens of America. Some will take that to the level of violence.

A recent story of two brothers who beat up a homeless Mexican in NY, and then stated that Donald Trump was right about them not belonging here, is just the latest in these actions.

Christians have blown up abortion clinics as a result of people speaking ill of those inside. The women who have abortions, women who are spiritually sick and emotionally strained, are spoken of as some great evil people who one candidate is ready to call out the national guard against.

Homosexuals are portrayed as an enemy of the nation and an enemy of Christians. Look at this group that calls themselves Westboro Baptist Church whose members are all about hate and violence. Blacks are encouraged to hate whites. Whites are encouraged to hate blacks. It seems that there are folk who benefit from upheaval and disunity, and they stir it up as often as they can. And the people follow.

Where are the peacemakers? Where are the Christians who believe turn the other cheek, walk the extra mile, if they take you to court, give them more than they ask for? Where are the Christians who believe in living in peace with all men? What has happened to us?

This nation is replete with people disparaging other people, calling for and creating little civil wars and battles within our borders and against Americans. Where are the leaders who speak peace and love and grace to the nation? Where is a leader who doesn't tear people down in order to build themselves up? Where is there a leader who brings hope and strength to the nation?

There is no power in government to effect a spiritual sickness. It seems as if no one is trying to disperse the darkness. Rather, our leaders in America are enveloped in the darkness. A man named Keith Green wrote a song with the lyrics, “the world is asleep in the dark that the church cannot fight 'cause it's asleep in the light”

I implore all of the candidates and leaders in America, “Stop the hateful rhetoric. Stop the divisiveness. Stop demanding your own way and trying to use the government as a weapon against your fellow Americas.”

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of GOD”

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