Sunday, May 24, 2015

In The Name of JESUS

In The Name of JESUS

There are people in this country who do not want anything in the name of JESUS. They do not want the hungry fed in the name of JESUS. They do not want the naked clothed in the name of JESUS. They do not want peace and unity in the name of JESUS. No matter what good thing is done in the name of JESUS, they will resist it. There is nothing I can do about this.

I work for JESUS. I love JESUS. I act in accordance with my understanding of a loving compassionate Prince of Peace, and I know that there is a huge majority of citizens in this nation who feel that anything good, in the name of JESUS, is a good thing.

I also know that there are numerous people in this nation who do not believe in JESUS, but would take peace and love, grace and mercy in any name that might make it happen. There are people who will not divide from other Americans because we have a different belief.

I can do nothing to change the attitude of those who want to hate for the sake of hate. I can do nothing about those who would rather see destruction than to see peace if it means it comes in the name of JESUS.

This message is all I know for sure; If the people of this nation will strive together and work towards peace and unity, it can be accomplished.

If the people of this nation will strive together and work to feed the hungry and house the homeless and clothe the naked, it CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED.

If the Christians in this nation, who make up 70% of the population, will take the position GOD has ordained for them, and follow the plan JESUS set down for them, than they will lead this nation into a new era of peace and prosperity that none alive have ever seen.

So, I am running for the Presidency of the United States. I am running not because I have all the answers. I am running because I have one answer. That answer is the American people loving and caring for each other in a way the government simply cannot.

The government is like an absent parent. It can send you money, but it gives no love and it offers no knowledge of how to improve and grow. It is cold and distant and feels nothing. You and I, the citizens of this nation, can love and care for one another in a more effective and efficient way than our government can ever do.

If you are so offended by the name JESUS, that you will strive against hope and unity, then you are the problem. If you are so offended by homosexuals that you will strive against peace and love, then you are the problem. If you are so dead set against anything that is not a part of your group or political party that you will only strive against the healing and unifying of the nation, YOU are the problem.

For the rest of you, I only ask that you give me the chance to show you a better way. Please help me spread a message to heal the nation, and in the process, to bring the blessings of GOD upon us all.

Saturday, May 23, 2015



The campaign slogan of K. Ross Newland

Galatians 13:4. Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, 13:5. Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; 13:6. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; 13:7. Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

All that these verses say about what love is and isn't, is summed up in the phrase, “Love never  demands its own way”

Where there is divisiveness, where there is judgmental attitude, where there are those who would force their views on others and demand their own way in the lives of others, there is a lack of love. Arrogance and pride and self serving attitudes show a lack of love. Quick tempers, gossip, tale bearing, come from a lack of love.

When someone is a slave to their sin nature, we as Christians need to explain that their choices are destructive. If they receive that word, then you have saved a life. If they do not receive that word, then you have done what you can and you need to leave them in the hands of GOD and cover them in prayer.

There is no place in the teachings of JESUS the CHRIST that would suggest you would share the stories about HIM and if they do not believe, that you would raise a gang of Christians together and bully and chastise those who do not believe in HIM.

There is room in America for every type of culture and lifestyle and belief system to live in peace. You and I, the ambassadors of peace, the representatives of the PRINCE of PEACE, must strive with all men to be peaceable in the face of attack. We must love people into submission, not beat them down or legislate them into submission.

We have far too long rejected the teaching of the our LORD and MASTER, to follow the teachings and precepts of men. If there is to be any hope for peace, for revival, for a true awakening in the nation, it must come from the spirit of gentleness JESUS modeled for us. HE was silent and without complaint while being hung on a cross. HIS voice was not heard in the streets. Yet, our voices are raised in a blood curdling scream of fear and indignation at the idea that two men might want to marry each other. This is not the example JESUS set down.

JESUS said “love your enemies and do good to those who spitefully use you”. HE said not to repay evil for evil. Yet, can there be anything more evil than to do things in the name of JESUS that JESUS never said to do? Can there be anything more evil than rejecting the plan of GOD for the plans of men? Can there be anything more evil then the hubris and pride of human beings who feel they cannot trust the GOD they have trusted their immortal souls to?

I do not write these things to shame you are out of any angst or distress. I just write these things that you will question who you are following and of what spirit they are. It is the spirit of the world, the spirit of self, the spirit of the adversary, that demands it's own way. The SPIRIT of GOD unifies. The spirit of Satan tears asunder.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Role of Christians in The World

"When Rome made the church part of government it ceased operating like men empowered by GOD and began to act like men entitled by GOD and empowered by position."
                                                                                                     - K. Ross Newland

As I have been putting my campaign for president of the United States together, I have had to look at what I believe is the answer to the issues and troubles of America. Singularly, I find myself fixated on our domestic issues. Since the LORD has already showed me so much about that, it was almost hard to imagine what else HE would show me. But in this last week, many of the things I have already stated seem to have come into much sharper focus.

You see, I know the chastisement of GOD is felt in this nation as a result of the Christian church rejecting pretty much all of the guidance, laws and precepts of GOD. So, if we want the blessings of GOD to return to this nation, we Christians have to “Humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways”. Yet, there is more;

In the law of GOD, there is a plan for loving one another, caring for one another, and even financing the care for one another. In fact, in our nation right now, should the Christian community decide to stop playing at Christian and start actually living as Christians, the power is with them to feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, provide health care for all, and put every able bodied American to work improving our world. All of that would be doable if Christians would tithe and if pastors would focus on those issues instead of building bigger buildings to have church in (or spending $68 Million on a jet).

If that is not enough, the Christian church would have such influence in the nation that it would be possible to end the racist violence, the class envy, and even one faction tearing down another. Yes, that would mean Christians would have to strive to be peace makers and not trouble makers. That would mean Christians would have to try some love and grace and acceptance of folk that do not agree with them. But, it could happen.

We have been led for so long by men who seem to have forgotten there is a GOD who is still in control, that we have lost sight of all the great promises HE has made for us right here on Earth.

The truth is, all the worldly power and all the spiritual power has been given to the Christian church and the Christian church has chosen to give it away or just leave it on the door step.

Can you see it? I wish my Christian brothers and sisters could see it. Because I believe another belief system is going to implement the perfect plan of GOD and they will take over this nation by supplying all of the people's needs. It's just a matter of time.

I have been trying to rally my Christian brothers and sister to return to a time when the church was powerful and took care of the people around it. We could get back there. You could start tithing to your church, or a good soup kitchen if you are in one of those other kinds of churches. Rise up Christian folk. Take your proper place in the world. Not as rulers and dictators trying to force your views and opinions and lifestyle on other folk, rise up as the peace makers you are called to be and seize the day. FOR GOD”S SAKE, RISE UP!!!

Monday, May 4, 2015


There is no way for government to solve the problems of the homeless, the poor, the hungry. It really never should have been put on the government to begin with. This is a Christian mandate from JESUS to teh church and should never have been shirked off. Here is what I think JESUS set down for a plan and how to get back to it;

It has been established that 3% of Christians tithe to their church. With that, the church does a lot of good. But, if all Christians gave a full 10% to their church, the church could feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked and probably give health care to every person who needs it. All of those who are able bodiedd Americans could be used of the church to fix people's houses, pick up trash, or a hundred other mission field jobs,  until they are employed and able to care for themselves. A hundred years ago, this is how our nation worked. We took care of each other.

The Christian church has a mandate from JESUS to do this. When the first church was established, the Christians in it sold all they had and gave it to the church for equal distribution. Now, we can't even get Christians to give 10%. If Christians had been obedient to the law of GOD, we would have none of the issues we face today.

Granted, if you go to a church where the pastor is going to spend the money on a fancy new building to have church in, or a raise for himself, or a church where the pastor is already making a few hundred thousand dollars, or is going to spend $68 Million on a jet, then you shouldn't give that church your tithe. You shouldn't be in that church. But, if you are in one of those churches and just can't see yourself leaving, then give your tithe to the homeless shelter or the soup kitchen. We are supposed to bring the tithe to the storehouse so there will be food in the house, after all.

Finally, every American can get involved and bring their 10% somewhere (other than the government)

You, the citizens, have all the power to fix this nation. You can put every able bodied person to work. You can take care of every person who is not able bodied. You can do it without bureaucracy and extreme overhead costs. You can do it faster, more efficiently, and with less cost (leaving more for where it is needed).

The destruction of the economy of America is a direct result of the people choosing to rely on the government to do what they should be doing.

My Christian brothers who choose to rob GOD, you are the most guilty of all. You have chosen self over GOD. You have walked away from JESUS and HIS teachings and followed the leading of men. That is why the economy of America is going bad. You rob from GOD, GOD takes from you.

Malachi 3:8. Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. 3:9. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. 3:10. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

A nation full of Christians being so blessed,  it would be impossible for that nation to not flourish under the hand of a well pleased GOD.