Saturday, August 1, 2015



I have lived it!

I have spent many years as the quintessential under capitalized entrepreneur. I know how government destroys the chances of those who would be the foundation of growth and prosperity in this nation. I have seen how mandated salaries and insurance and regulations and fees kill a business before it can start. There is no one in this race who can say they have the experience I have in this arena.

The Plight of the Poor
As a man who is poor, I know how this government could have helped me. A tax system that is fair would be a good start. Whether it is a user tax that exempts food and medicine, or a flat tax that refunds the taxes on the first $20,000, to every person. The flat tax would mean that anyone making $20,000 or less, would get a full refund. A person who makes $40,000 would get half of their taxes back. So that the burden of the tax system is carried by those who can handle it.
End legal loansharking. It used to be against the law to charge the interest rates that are levied against the poor today. Once a person falls on hard times, there is no way to get out if the money you need costs more than you can pay. This need to end. It is a disgusting practice to exploit the poor

A Leader of Peace
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of GOD”
Of all the things this nation needs, it needs a person who will lead it to peace. Our leaders spend so much time tearing at the peace of the nation, that the citizens know nothing else.
This continuous effort by some to control the actions of others with government and courts has to stop. It is not he roll of government, or the roll of Christians, to try to control the actions and lifestyles of other people. All of these little civil wars that go on in America are a direct result of people demanding that other people be what they think they should be. America must be led to a place of peace. There is room in this nation for every lifestyle and religion and race and color of person to live in peace. We need a president who will uphold peace within our boarders as a standard. We do not need leaders who tear each other down and show the nation disunity and discord.

Simply a Special Understanding
Those of you who hate JESUS and/or Christians should skip this part.
A simple and special understanding. GOD is still the answer. In the end, this nation needs a movement of GOD and that means the Christian church needs to return to the plan JESUS set forth. Our economy is in the tank because Christians do not tithe. The moral decline of the nation is a result of Christians who have rejected the plans of GOD and are following humanism instead of theism. There is no power in government to control sin and evil. There never was and there never will be.
There is no place in all the teachings of JESUS that would indicate government and courts as part of HIS strategy or purposes. We do not fight with these weapons of the world. When we do, we empower Satan by removing GOD from the equation.

JESUS set down a perfect plan. To change that plan (add to or take away from) or to reject that plan, is the height of hubris. GOD resists the proud. If the Christians church would return to the ways of JESUS, the personality of JESUS, and the plans of JESUS (as HE set them forth) then they would be salt and light in the nation and would tear down the strongholds that are being built in the spiritual.

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