Friday, August 14, 2015

Answering a voter named Dawn

Answers to ideas and question from a voter named Dawn

First of all, I want to start this response by stating that I am not a career politician or one of the rich elite. The level of expertise you have asked for on each issue is not really possible, in my opinion. That is why, certain politicians and candidates have certain points they hit and others they barely address.

My point of view come from the position of a normal citizen who lives at or near the “poverty line”. As I see the gulf between the rich and the poor widen, I know a number of reasons it happens. Relief of the poor is my secondary focus.

I have a multifaceted view of issues. My primary one is that government can't fix this. Only GOD can fix this. If the Christian church doesn't return to the plans JESUS set down, then GOD will not fix this. If the Christian church does return to the plans and purposes of JESUS, then many of the social concerns will be dealt with. So, let me start there. This is primary to our nations health. Not just from a position of faith, but also from a position of the intent of the founding fathers.

In America, 70% of the citizens claim to be Christians. So, if you mobilize that large a segment of society to act on behalf of the people of the nation, then the nation will reflect that. If the Christians in America implement the plans JESUS set down, and stop doing thing JESUS never said to do, then they will feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, provide healthcare to the needy, and likely end people losing their homes. It may seem outlandish to believe that, but there is no other group with a belief that they have a mandate for GOD to do exactly that. Here is how that works and what it looks like;

GOD gives every Christian 10% of what they have for the work of the kingdom. If all of them tithe that money to the effort, then the church would have more money than the government. Since the church also has less bureaucracy and a lot of volunteers, it could organize into a force that would end hunger in America. If Christian carry representing the teachings of JESUS to their proper end, we would see an end of racism and riots and most of the social ills we see today. This would even be represented in how businesses are run.

Government can't bring peace to Americans. Government can't create jobs. Government can't fix this. A president that leads the people, and doesn't try to rule them or force them to be what he thinks they should be, can influence the course of the nation. So, I feel that this is the real answer and if the Christians will not do it, then it can't be done. You can't heal this nation with 70% of the population fighting against the cure.

Relief of the poor. This wasn't on your list and the things I am going to write you have never heard. (probably) Because, I see things from the position of the quintessential under capitalized entrepreneur. I see things from the position of the poor. I have been homeless and spent many years living off of less than $5,000. I know what government needs to do to stop the exploitation of the poor. So, here is the plan;

First, return to a time when interest rates above 12% were against the law. In this country, when a person falls on hard times and finally gets a job, there are people out there ready to suck the life out of them with interest rates from 20-200 percent. We need to crack down on that.

Recently, my bank decided to end the free checking account I have. Were it not for my direct deposit, they would have started charging me $25 a month if I didn't maintain a minimum balance. If you have never been a person who couldn't maintain a minimum balance, then you do not know how much losing the money hurts you. Without a bank account, you are left paying a large chunk of your check to cash your check. This is an exploitation of the poor.

A fair tax that exempts the poor. There are all kinds of ideas for a “Fair tax”. Here is another one;

A 20% flat tax. Every person who pays in, gets a refund from their first $20,000. If you make less than that, you get a full refund. 13% to income tax and 7% to social security. Even though you make less than $20,000, what you claim as income is used to determine how much SS you can get when you reach the proper age. Even though the poor pay nothing in, they still are looked out for in their old age. This plan instantly shores up SS and ensures it is there for all generations.

Also, if you make $40,000 a year, you only wind up paying 10%. Three percent to income tax and 7% to SS.

Every American today pays more than that off the top in SS and income tax. So, it is not a new hit to the wallet. At the end of the year, I would like to see it happen in late November or early December, everyone gets a refund of their $20,000 of less income. This is timed to be there for Christmas. This is good for the economy and for strengthening families. Those who have help build America and keep her strong by taking those low wage jobs that need to be done, will be rewarded for their day with social security benefits based on their income. A win for all concerned.

Your question on abortion has made me realize I must write a very long dissertation on this subject:

I am a Christian. Unlike many of my brothers and sisters, I am keenly focused on the spiritual and the eternal. Every aspect of my point of view is tinted with the cause of CHRIST and the kingdom of my GOD.

I am an American. I will fight for your rights to the death. We will fight for our rights to the death. If someone tries to enact a law that takes away our rights, we will fight. We will also ignore it. Prohibition has never worked and it never will.

I am a science oriented kind of guy. I know that when the egg and sperm come together, they form a strand of DNA. If you took this strand of DNA to a lab, they would tell you it is a strand of DNA from a human being. There is no doubt that abortion kills a human being.

We have established, wrongly, that Americans have the right to kill their unborn babies. It is unfortunate that this resulted in the murder of 1 million babies a year. I understand why this bothers folk.

But, what really tears my heart out and makes me cry is the fact that there are a million women in this country who are in such a spiritual, emotionally, mentally dark place, that murdering their babies (sometimes what would be their first born) is a reasonable option. That reality takes all precedence for me as a Christian.

I know that the nation is suffering form a spiritual sickness that only GOD can heal. I truly cannot champion a call to make these sin sick women criminals. I cannot see forcing them into the back ally butcher shops. I cannot see where anyone is served by that. Is it possible that the number of abortions would drop? Yes it is. Is it probable the number of women mutilated, sterilized, and killed in abortions would increase? Most definitely.

So, until we have a Christian president who will appeal to the women of America to not murder their babies, until we can overcome the society of death that is in this nation. Until we can lead the women of America to stop killing their unborn, changing the laws will not be a good thing.

So, if you ask me to champion this cause, I cannot. It goes against all that I feel is important. It goes against my eternal, spiritual perspective. If, on the other hand, the legislation comes to my desk, I will not veto it. (even though I fell it would be a grave mistake)

We need to lead the American people to feel love and compassion for the unborn. We need them to care. When that happens, when we have reduced the abortion rate by saving souls and healing spiritual sickness, then the laws will not matter. If we do not do this, then the laws will not matter.

Second Amendment. People who want to take guns away from people who have guns are not wise. Declaring war on the citizens is not wise. Many of the citizens who have guns, have them to protect against over reaching government. Jack booted thugs with guns, coming to take their guns, would not go well. Making criminals out of those with guns and making it so only criminals have guns? Not wise.

Affordable healthcare. I first would like to encourage the Christian church to step up and deal with this with all the other issues we never should have sloughed off on the government. This nation needs to be a nation of people who take care of each other and stop trying to get the government to do it all. Let's recreate a society that doesn't call on the government to do anything and let's do it ourselves. That is what our founding fathers intended.

The illegal immigration issue, in and of itself, is not high on my list. However, securing our borders for the purposes of national security and stopping the influx of terrorist, is a top priority. We need a path to citizenship for those in this country now and we need to do the whole build a wall, sensors, guards on the border thing.

Economic growth versus redistribution? Really? Do people actually think of those two thing in the same category? Redistribution means using the government to steal from the rich and give it to those who, for whatever reason, don't earn it for themselves.

Economic growth means that people have jobs and work and earn for themselves It also means they have it to give to others. Economic growth will only happen when the American people stop looking to government to solve their problems and decide to solve them for themselves. People taking care of people. This is something the Christians should be leading the way in and modeling for all to see.

ISIS and Israel? Israel is our ally. Those who bless Israel will be blessed. Those who curse Israel will be cursed. Important to those who do not believe in the GOD of Israel is the real truth that they are the stabilizing influence in the region. Given the chance, they would live in peace with their neighbors.

Islam is a religion based in the fundamental “Kill the infidels”. This will never change. We need a good surgical way to fight the war against them in the middle east. I have an idea about that, but it will wait until I can talk to my military advisers when I am president.

The greater concern with Islam and ISIS is on our home soil. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim who wants Sharia Law. That is why NO SHARIA LAW is in my platform.

Short history lesson;

Many years ago, in a land far away, there lived a man named Yasar Arafat. Mr. Arafat wrote a book in which he clearly laid out a plan for Palestine that included establishing a state within the borders of Israel from which attacks against Israel could be carried out. For some reason, the world leaders ignored this and supported Palestine as a free nation. Since then, they have launched attacks against Israel for there.

That same strategy is in play in America. Establish areas where Sharia Law can be enacted, where the police will fear to go. From there, they will launch and support attacks against America. This is going to happen and there is nothing government will, or even can, do about it.

We are under attack and they mean to end us. PERIOD!!!

Progressive Presidents and their destruction of America:

Let me share another story;

There was a man named Davy Crocket. He lived a few years ago in America. Has some history at the Alamo. He was also a congressman.

At one session of congress, a navy admirals widow came to congress and asked for money. Davy Crocket stood and passionately explain that under no circumstances should public money be given to private citizens. After congress voted not to give her money, Davy Crocket walked down to her, opened his wallet and gave her all he had. Others followed suit and she was well taken care of.

A few years later, there was a big fire in a city (I think it was the Chicago fire). There was a bill before congress to give money to help rebuild the city. Davy Crocket stood up and declared that this would be setting a precedent that would bankrupt the nation. But, he supported the effort. His words were quite prophetic.

Two realities; Presidents don't do these things. Congress does. Presidents can lead and can veto and fight against. In the end, stalemate and unhappy people who want the government to hand them stuff.

We need to change the way people think. We need to stop asking the government to take care of these things and we need to dig deep and pull together and fix this. Government can't fix this.

Now, here is another issue you didn't address, but I think is important: Changing congress and the mindset of American.

We need term limits to put an end to congressional pensions, and the seniority system in Washington. We need to stop thinking that business moguls and career politicians are the answer.

Business moguls live in a world where they borrow and borrow and borrow and declare bankruptcy. Then, they borrow and borrow and borrow and declare bankruptcy. When they get in government, they just borrow and borrow and borrow. They also live in a world where some of them get paid $20 million to leave their job.

There are governors who claim to have balanced the budget in their states. But how did they balance them? Selling lottery tickets to exploit the poor. Taking billions of dollars from the federal government. When they get into federal government? There is no lottery and not pot of gold to draw from. Balancing a budget in this way means nothing on the presidential level.

This nation was designed to be run by the common man. Not the rich elite and career politicians. Each family household in America has more experience balancing a budget than any of the candidates (except me) that I have heard of. Having to decide what you can and cannot afford is foreign to most of them.

That is all I have to write for now. I hope you agree.

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