Throughout the history of
America there has been a group of people behind the scenes who have
one goal; maintain power. Particularly, maintain power over groups of
people they deemed inferior. Ultimately, to maintain power by
maintaining a lock on the economic condition of America. As America
has changed, their tactics have changed. Their goal is still the
To do this, they resisted
the end of slavery, the voting rights of ex slaves, the notion of
declaring slaves as actual human beings. They moved into attempted
genocide by the use of eugenics and abortion. One quarter of the
black population of America has been exterminated by abortion. 444 of
every 1,000 black pregnancies ends in abortion today. Who supports
this? Democrats. I don't know how many black women were forcefully
sterilized during the eugenics effort.
In the 1930's, the
Democratic party, having lost the war to keep slaves, and the war to
keep blacks from voting, instituted the New Deal.
The New Deal was a way for
Democrats to literally buy the support of the black community, even
though the black community knew they were the racist stronghold that
had fought against them. It worked. The black community bit the
bullet and through in with the Democratic party in order to support
them in the promise of “30 acres and a mule”. What they never
saw, was that it was just a way to keep them owned and controlled by
the old plantation money. The promise of wealth and big handouts
never materialized. Instead, the promise morphed into a welfare state
that gives just enough to support, without enough thrive and no
avenue to escape.
However, over the years,
many minority entrepreneurs and millionaires have raised themselves
up in spite of the effort of the Democratic party. Doctors, lawyers,
CEOs, business owners, franchise owners, and in every other
profession minorities have begun to flourish. So, once again, the
tactics had to change.
The Democratic party
gradually changed it's message. But the motivations and intentions
have never changed. Today, even while claiming to empathize with the
black community, the intention is to insure that the black community
never reaches a place where they have the money to threaten the power
base of the money elite. So, how did they do it? They convinced the
black community that rich white people are the problem. How does that
work? This is how;
The old plantation money
aristocracy already has its money. It doesn't need to make anymore to
have total power. The only thing that can threaten them? New money!
By focusing the black community on the idea of raising taxes on the
rich white people in order to fund the government handouts, they have
gotten the black community to vote time and again to raise taxes on
the rich. The thing is, those taxes don't touch money people already
have. Those taxes only tax money that is being made now. In other
words, those taxes do not touch the rich white people who are the
problem. Who do these taxes hurt? They hurt every new entrepreneur
and every person who is pulling themselves up. In short, the
Democratic party is doing all it can to tax minority rich people back
into poverty.
Over the years, a number of
black leaders have raised up to give their people an equal shot at
the American dream. Now that their dream is coming to fruition, the
Democratic party wants to change America into a socialist nation
where all these gains will be taken away. Where every person who has
a chance to reach the goal will have it taken away.
If that wasn't enough, the
Democratic party has continually told the black community that blacks
will never succeed, never thrive, because they are oppressed. They
repeat the rhetoric that blacks cannot compete, cannot excel, cannot
succeed as long as white people have power.
What happens when you tell
a child that he will never amount to anything? Some will prove you
wrong, others will just give up. The ones who will prove you wrong
are doing it with anger and frustration and hate. The ones that just
give in are doing it with anger and frustration. If you are focused
on the idea of being oppressed, then you can be convinced you have to
bring down your oppressors before you can raise yourself up. This is
why Democrats keep the black community focused on hating white
people. That way, they will not focus on raising themselves up.
It is because of all of
this that large numbers of minorities are trapped in poverty. Trapped
in slums. Trapped in bad schools and a bad education system.
Meanwhile, the Republican
party keeps telling everyone that we all can be whatever we want. The
Republican party keeps moving forward with school choice and lower
taxes. The Republican party is the only thing standing between the
Democratic party and the complete destruction of the black community
in America.
This isn't all of it. This
is just surface stuff. I could take extra time to explain how
destabilizing the nation serves to keep minorities poor and the
aristocracy rich. I show you how the marriage of radical Muslims and
the Democratic party adds to this. But this is enough for you to
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