Syrian Refugees
We Americans, with our over
whelming compassion and our equally over whelming ability to hate,
are stuck with a real issue to deal with.
The civil war that is
taking place in the Middle East is displacing millions of refugees.
Our Christian compassion requires that we do something to help feed
and care for these refugees. It is right for us to do this.
There are those who take a
stance of hatred. The idea that every Syrian is guilty because of
what some have done. The idea that every Muslim is guilty because of
what some have done. It has been our way since we locked away the
Japanese in WW2.
I think we need to be
somewhere closer to the compassion side, with a sprinkling of caution
and a wary eye.
I would love to see the
Christian community take this opportunity to rise and shine in the
lives of these refugees. To take the lead in their care and comfort.
As president of the United
States, I would take the initiative in raising the funds to build
these people a new country to settle in. The most logical of places
is the undeveloped areas of Africa.
It makes no sense to pay to
bring them to America where they would have no jobs and no homes and
where the government would have to make them wards of the nation. We
would, in a very short period of time, spend $100 Billion dollars and
have provided them nothing to sustain themselves.
However, if we put that
money into a pot with the other nations of the world, we could buy
land in Africa and build them a new country. The minerals and farming
of the land would be enough to create a thriving industry and support
them well. Plus, it would keep them close to their homes, should they
want to return some day.
America's only hope with
regard to the conflicts in the Middle East is to keep it in the
Middle East. Our greatest asset is that we are separated from our
enemies by a vast ocean that keeps us isolated and safe. While it is
increasingly easier to overcome that distance, it is still our best
strategy with ISIS to keep them disrupted and contained. The very
real threat of radical Islamist extremist exists in every group of
Muslims from that region. The chant of Death to America is very
common, and very sincere.
To remove the containment
aspect of our best strategy, is to invite greater attacks on our
soil. Even if none of the Muslims brought here are extremest, the
likelihood that many would be recruited after they are here is
greater then the likelihood that our enemies can recruit from those
who are here now. Caution in the face of reality is not hate. It is
not racism. It is not religious persecution. It is just smart.
I think your suggestion would save us a lot of money and heartache in the long run.