"When Rome made the church part of government it ceased operating like men empowered by GOD and began to act like men entitled by GOD and empowered by position."
- K. Ross Newland
As I have been putting my
campaign for president of the United States together, I have had to
look at what I believe is the answer to the issues and troubles of
America. Singularly, I find myself fixated on our domestic issues.
Since the LORD has already showed me so much about that, it was
almost hard to imagine what else HE would show me. But in this last
week, many of the things I have already stated seem to have come into
much sharper focus.
You see, I know the
chastisement of GOD is felt in this nation as a result of the Christian
church rejecting pretty much all of the guidance, laws and precepts
of GOD. So, if we want the blessings of GOD to return to this nation,
we Christians have to “Humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways”. Yet,
there is more;
In the law of GOD, there is
a plan for loving one another, caring for one another, and even
financing the care for one another. In fact, in our nation right now,
should the Christian community decide to stop playing at Christian and
start actually living as Christians, the power is with them to feed the
hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, provide health care for
all, and put every able bodied American to work improving our world.
All of that would be doable if Christians would tithe and if pastors
would focus on those issues instead of building bigger buildings to
have church in (or spending $68 Million on a jet).
If that is not enough, the
Christian church would have such influence in the nation that it
would be possible to end the racist violence, the class envy, and
even one faction tearing down another. Yes, that would mean Christians would have to strive to be peace makers and not trouble makers. That
would mean Christians would have to try some love and grace and
acceptance of folk that do not agree with them. But, it could happen.
We have been led for so
long by men who seem to have forgotten there is a GOD who is still in
control, that we have lost sight of all the great promises HE has
made for us right here on Earth.
The truth is, all the
worldly power and all the spiritual power has been given to the
Christian church and the Christian church has chosen to give it away
or just leave it on the door step.
Can you see it? I wish my
Christian brothers and sisters could see it. Because I believe another belief system is going to implement the perfect plan
of GOD and they will take over this nation by supplying all of the
people's needs. It's just a matter of time.
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