Monday, January 9, 2017

Old Money (Democrats) vs New Money (Republicans)

Old Money (Democrats)
New Money (republicans)

There are two types of wealthy people in America. New Money looks after its money. Old Money looks after its power. One is in politics to control things, one is in politics to keep from being controlled.

Old Money doesn't rely on anything to maintain its money. But, power is another matter. In order to maintain power, Old Money wants the vast majority of Americans to not have any hope of being rich and powerful. They support our universities and the Democratic party. They maintain power by indoctrinating our young people with ideas of socialism and reliance on government handouts and big government.

Old Money also tends to be very white and very racist. They have been the ones against the end of slavery, against blacks getting to vote, against blacks being considered human, and against the civil rights movements. Interestingly, they are also the ones that were for eugenics and for using abortion as a form of genocide against the black race. They are still the ones who support abortion on demand and want to fund it with government money. Over ¼ of the black population has been killed by abortion and, currently, 444 out of every one thousand black pregnancies ends in abortion. This is not by accident. It is a plan that Old Money supports through their political party, the Democrats.

So, you may ask, why is it that the Democratic party seems to be pro black? Well, (if you haven't noticed this for yourself I hope you will not get offended) this is because the appearance, or actuality, of being pro minority and pro special interest, results in maintaining a divisive environment within the social order. As long as the nation is divided, it will never be strong and the poor will never climb out of poverty, and Old Money accomplishes its desire.

Perhaps you have never taken note of the fact that racial division becomes greater and more pronounced when Democrats are in office. This is not by accident. Perhaps you have taken notice that the media and the Democrats seems to be linked together. This is not an accident either. Old Money sees to it that the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharpens of the world are able to continue to divide the nation and inflame racism. Old Money likes having black folk elect black folk who are only interested in representing black folk and maintaining government programs that keep as many of the poor dependent on government, so they never strive to be more. Keep the people docile and dependent, they don't embrace ambition and don't retaliate against the system that supports them.

As much as it may seem strange, having a few more black Democrats in office, solidifies Old Money's plans to keep black folk down and poor. Our politicians don't control things. Bankers and lawyers, and Old Money controls things. Congress is just a tool, a figurehead, for the “We the people” who have Old Money.

So, while Old Money is the Democratic party, and is set to keep America weak, tax and regulate business out of America, and maintain a caste society of the rich and the poor, the New Money Republicans are a completely different breed;

New Money needs the nation to be strong and prosperous and to have as many people as possible working and making money and spending money. New Money gets its power from its money. New Money operates businesses and thrives only when Americans have money and are spending money. Their motivation is for every person to have a job and every business to have the greatest opportunity to thrive.

New Money wants smaller government, less government mandates and less government control. New Money will sacrifice the EPA in order to give each entrepreneur a chance to make their company work. New Money seeks the success of others so it can grow and prosper and reach that great and lofty goal of being worth billions.

Old Money is funny in that it claims that rich people are the cause of poor people being poor. Basically, Old Money uses rhetoric to sell the public on ideals of socialism and taxing rich people to death. They are for this, because they already have their money. You can't tax it. You can't take it. No matter what America does to be as socialist as Old Money wants it to be, they have theirs and all that really does it protects their position and power. Old Money is about power and control. New Money is about success, which will lead to power and control. New Money is a threat to Old Money.

The more the government can stand in the way of, or tax, New Money, the more they maintain the status quo and their power. That is why the Democratic Party in America is so socialist and handout oriented.

However, Bernie Sanders came along and nearly derailed the plans of Old Money. Bernie would have taken socialism way past the level that Old Money wants. So, the entire Democratic National Convention did all it could to undermine and cheat Bernie Sanders.

There is a study in human nature to be seen here. As long as you look someone in the eye and tell them you are all for them, you can rob them blind and steal their hope and dreams away. That is what the Democrats have done to the poor and minorities of America for decades.

If you, as an American, want to see America as the land of opportunity again, then you will reject the Democratic party and Old Money. You will see New Money Republicans as a people who are equally self motivated, but who rely on you being prosperous and America growing and stronger.

So, why does the Republican party have fewer black politicians. Success is why. If you meet a black Republican, you will have met a business person with a desire for success in business. You will have met a man or woman who wants to create and thrive and live the dream. They are not going to leave corporate America to be a politician. Seldom does any successful business person leave that behind to be president, or to go to Washington. Politicians, by and large, are people who really didn't accomplish anything in the world. They are, have been, and always will be, politicians.

The educated, successful black person is more likely to be a Republican than a Democrat. There are those who are intelligent, but reject the truth when it is presented, listen to what the Democrats say and ignore what they do and what goes on around them, just because someone told them they are Democrats and always will be Democrats.

I will say it again. Democrats are about power and control. They manipulate minorities in such a way that they can keep them poor while saying they are their friends. The condition of minorities in America has always been of being allowed to compete in the race after they were three laps behind. All that eh democrats do, out in the open and blatantly, is to give the appearance of wanting American minorities to thrive, yet the result has always been to demoralize and divide.