Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Legalizing Marijuana

Someone I follow on Facebook wrote a piece against legalizing marijuana. I wrote this in reply;

America is suffering from a combination of a spiritual sickness mingled with liberty and freedom. The total depravity of man being play out in the absolute depravity of his actions. There is no set of laws, no system of government, that can thwart this moral and ethical decay. Americans are in such a state of sickness, they cannot get past a day without their alcohol or their drugs.

Mexico’s Supreme Court Opens Door to Legalizing Marijuana UseThe joy of life has left many. Some can't find comfort without a drug. Some just make it a part of their winding down. Since I do not drink, or do drugs, or smoke anything, I do not understand why it is such an epidemic. I only know that the need for some mind altering substance is very real for many, and some folk just do it because they like it.
Our prisons are full of people who are there just because someone decided to declare war against Americans who want to use their drug of choice. We spend $600 Million a year on a war against Americans. We spend thousands of lives, police and private citizens, just to keep people from using their drug of choice. Just because Americans are in such a state of spiritual and emotional sickness that they can't make it without.

Per 1,000 people, 100 X more people are in prison in America than any other country. (not an actual number, just making a point) So, what is the real answer? We need leaders who lead and we need an education system that educates. We don't need more laws, and we could use to have a few thousand less laws. Some things need to be left to individuals to decide for themselves.

Then, we need to start treating driving under the influence as attempted manslaughter and put people away for doing it. We need to increase penalties for crimes committed while under the influence. We need clean, controlled places where we can identify and help drug addicts, instead of forcing them to do their drugs in the shadows and abandoned building shooting galleries.

I have watched America tear itself apart to fight a war against Americans. In the process, we have created a system that rewards drug dealers and has caused the cartels and wars in South America. Which has caused many to flee South and Central America for a hope of peace in America. This has been the reason for illegal immigration becoming more of an issue. We are reaping the results of our policies.

Is legalizing drug use the answer? I don't know. The real answer is to not have made laws against it in the first place. The damage is done and we would be better off spending that money on educating people about drugs. We would be better off using the police for crimes that are one person against another, and not to protect people from themselves.

Saturday, November 19, 2016


Smashing the head of a puppy, or a kitten, with a sledgehammer is probably the most humane way to kill anything. It is instantaneous, as far as we know, and it is humane. Quick, and decisive and over. The only more humane way to dispose of an unwanted animal would be to inject it with something that would put it to sleep and then shut it down.

Yet, if you decided you wanted to get rid of an unwanted pet, and you chose to bash it's little head in with a sledgehammer, there would be those who would cry fowl and unleash every vile epithet, followed by some attempt to place you in jail and fine you a large sum of money. How is it that we seem perfectly happy to let a procedure be done to babies that is far more heinous, far more cruel, and far more painful.

Every year, nearly 1 million babies are torn apart with forceps, cut into little pieces with scalpels, tortured to death with no painkillers and no anesthesia? This is done under protection of law and in the most horrid of circumstances, in the mothers womb.

I recently read the account of what an abortion is, written by a nurse who was trying to refute the claims of Donald Trump about “ripping them out of the womb”. In her description, she carefully chose the phrase “dissection” using the words “sharp and blunt dissection”. The person who posted this explanation on my Facebook page, wanted to show that Trump wasn't telling the truth.

So, I explained to her what “Blunt instrument dissection” means. It means, for those of you who will not think about it, taking a pair of forceps into the womb and pulling off a leg, or an arm. It means, torturing a baby to death like one pulls the wings off of a fly. Meanwhile, the baby can be seen pulling away and opening it's mouth to scream. All of this with no pain killers and no anesthesia. How is it that this procedure has been allowed to continue for 40 years? It serve the purpose of both the Right to Life and the pro choice camps to not address it. 

You see, the pro choice group denies the baby has any sense of pain. It is one of the ways they distance the baby from being human. If you have to start treating the babies as human beings, then they might lose the support of those whom they have convinced this is not true. Plus, let's face it, pro choice folk are not exactly the most compassionate when it come to the unborn.

You would think the Right to Life groups would have worked to stop this. Not the idea of stopping the abortion, the idea of stopping the torture. But, it is the torture that makes abortion so heinous. If you were to get rid of the torture, then the argument against abortion might get weaker. That wouldn't serve the cause of the Right to Life campaign, so it is never discussed. It is never addressed. It is never ending.

We, you who are reading this post and I, need to stand up and shout about this. Millions of babies are being tortured to death is ways that we wouldn't allow to happen to a dog. The most inhumane treatment of any living creature is being perpetrated against human babies, supported by the government, protected by laws. It is wrong.

Surely, we could force our legislators to pass laws that would require babies be “put to sleep like a dog” before we allow them to be mutilated and dissected with “Sharp and blunt instrument dissection”. Surely it isn't unreasonable to use a small injection of a compound to end the life of the baby before that happens. The amount needed to kill a baby is tiny enough to not effect the mother. The umbilical could be clamped before the injection given.

I hope the start of this post made you angry. I hope that outrage has carried to the end. We need the outrage if we are going to motivate people to action.

Friday, October 28, 2016

America, We Have a Problem

America has a problem. (Thought I would state the obvious to start this.)

Every group seems to have a totalitarian view of their issues. The Christians want everyone to abide what they think or feel is right.

LGBT wants everyone to fully embrace and even celebrate how they feel and what they want.

BLM wants a complete acknowledgment of all their talking points.

The Democrats and Republicans are against each other. The list goes on and on. Each group believing only they know and understand and only they can dictate how others should think or feel.

Within all of these groups, and many others, there is one common thread. None of them seem to care about the people who disagree with them or the reasons they do. There seems to be no desire to understand why things are. No one listens to hear and understand, they just listen to respond

That still isn't the problem I have set out to address. The problem is that they all want to use the elections to win their argument. And so, in old American fashion, once again, the election process is used to further fracture our nation.

When I started my campaign, this was my major issue and concern. We need a leader who is willing to live in peace with people who are different and with whom he doesn't agree with, or even like. We need a leader who will strive with the American people to influence them to live in peace with each other, work in unity, and truly fix/heal this nation.

My campaign slogan was/is "Love Never Demands Its Own Way" My niece suggested that it just be "Love Never Demands"

As a Christian, as an actual follower of the teachings of JESUS as they are recorded in the Bible, I see this reflected in HIS actions, teachings, and even HIS plans and purposes HE established for HIS people. Nowhere in the teachings of THE CHRIST do we find a notion of HIS people using coercion, or any effort to control and demand obedience to them or HIM. Instead, JESUS simply was among them, leading and influencing and teaching.

We need leaders like that. We need leaders who can sit down with the sinners and explain sin and salvation to them and leave with them glad he was there. We need someone who the religious people call a glutton and winebibber and friend of sinners.

We are in desperate need of a leader who can use the election process to heal and unify. A house divided cannot stand and I fear this one is tottering on very loose sand. IN unity is strength. In this mess we have now, we have too much violence and division to ever be able to grow and prosper.

I still believe I can be that guy. I intend to do all I can to be that guy for the next 4 years as we head to another election period. 4 years of the leadership we are looking at could damage America to a level that recovery will be nearly impossible.

But, I know the GOD of miracles and I believe, if we follow HIS lead and HIS way of doing things, If we stick to HIS plan and do not add to or take away from it, I believe there is still hope. I only believe that because I believe it is possible to humble ourselves and seek GOD and turn from our wicked ways, and that we can once again garner favor and blessings from the GOD of my salvation. If GOD is for us, who can be against us

Bless God America