Friday, October 23, 2015

Immigration and Our Southern Border

Immigration and Our Southern Border

The immigration question has been pushed to the forefront of the political arena by inflammatory rhetoric from some of the Republican Party candidates seeking the office of President. It seems there is a notion that such speech is good for America, or can get votes. I am not willing to join into this complete misrepresentation of the facts. I am, after all, interested more in people and in speaking peace then fueling the angry mob.

America has always been known for it's compassion and concern for those who are the victims of the violence of war. In many cases, we have gone way over and above to help those seeking escape from violence and the threat of death in their own country. Even recently, our president has suggested that we open our doors to 200,000 refugees from an area of the world where “Death to America” is as common as “Hello”.

Yet, to our south is one of the most violent areas of the world. Tens of thousands of refugees abandon everything and risk their lives, and rape, in order to reach the promise of safety and freedom in America. Yet, we treat them like vermin. What has happened to our Christian compassion and our American spirit? Why have we not found a solution to the needs of these people. Simply put, we first need to identify them as refugees and not just illegal aliens.

As president, one of my first acts would be to establish refugee status for those seeking safety and freedom. My next act would be to begin the process of establishing an “Ellis Island” facility (preferably on Mexican soil) where shelter and sanctuary can be provided and processing and education can be conducted to establish productive and legal immigrants. This facility would include processing work visas for those for whom work can be found.

Our nations agriculture industry is built on the backs of migrant/Mexican workers. My first job was at a large corporate farm called Hill Top Orchards in Hartford Michigan. I was one of only a couple non-Hispanic workers there. It wasn't that Hispanics were preferred, it was that the locals simply didn't want to work that hard. As often as they posted help wanted adds, the locals simply did not answer them.

As an adult, just 6 years ago, I drove forklift for a farm in norther NY. A cherry farm and processing plant. Even though the locals complained about the lack of jobs, they still wouldn't take the work on the farm. Most of the labor here was also Hispanic.

Here is my point;
These folk are human beings.
These folk are refugees.
These folk need to be made safe.
These folk need a place to be processed for citizenship.
These folk are vital for our agricultural processes.

And here is one very important point that no one seems to be willing to say:

This situation that results in thousands of refugees fleeing the violence of the drug cartels is born and bred in the United States of America. It is the voracious appetite for anything to alleviate the shallowness of empty lives that results in the huge industry that supports, and causes, the violence. This situation is the consequences of what some call a victimless crime, and is exasperated by laws designed to keep Americans separated from the drugs they want.

Yes, we need to secure our borders. But not from the Mexicans as much as from the ISIS and Al'Quada terrorists that are coming into the country.

Soon there will be hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria and other countries both south and north of our very unsecured borders. That is a much greater threat to America then Mexicans who do not hate our nation and only want safety and a chance at a real life. I think we should help them.

No, not with welfare and government hand outs. This is a job for the church. We are already well prepared and organized to help in situations like these.

Working with the Mexican authorities and the US authorities, we could create safe havens in northern Mexico and staff them with volunteer missionaries and care givers.

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Platform for K. Ross Newland

What I believe about America

America was founded by men who had common moral principals. Some were Christians. Some Deists. Some might even have been atheists or Muslims. But, at the time of our nation's founding, they all had a fundamental agreement on morals and ethics. Many of these morals and ethics found their way into the Declaration of Independence, and from there into the Constitution of The United States.

It has been said that one of our founding fathers made the statement “We have gambled our future on the ability of the America people to keep the Ten Commandments with all their hearts”. This quote, whether true or not, represents a very real fact that American government was established with the intention that it would not be the moral, or religious, voice of the nation. Within the writings of these great men can be found an underlying principal of liberty and justice for all that would be protected by a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Such a government will, by it's structure and intent, be in a state of flux as the society evolves and changes.

Perhaps our founding fathers had no vision of how much society could cast of the morals of our ancestors. Or, perhaps they simple recognized that any nation that wants to strive and thrive must recognize that each individual has a right of freedom of choice when it comes to religion and morals. One thing is certain, they understood that, if the nation was to survive in the freedoms and peace such a government could afford, then the government would have to recognize, represent, and protect the individual as fervently as it would the majority and the whole of the nation. Such that, as the society tosses of the morals and values of the previous generations, the government (in order to maintain peaceful coexistence and unity of purpose) must also recognize and protect the rights of the citizens to do so.

Our founding fathers, looking to the Bible and to recent history, saw that there is no place given, no foundation established, upon which a government led by the church of JESUS the CHRIST could stand. Not only had they seen how the church had distorted and twisted the teaching of JESUS to their own means, but they also recognized that there was no place, in all the plans and teachings of their LORD, a call or command or suggestion that Christians should try to control the actions of those with whom they would disagree. In establishing this nation in the way they did, our founding fathers determined that true Christianity would thrive and prevail in a society of perfect freedom of choice, if the Christians would only hold true to the teachings of their Savior.

Today in America, Christians and atheists alike are striving to tear down the freedoms and barriers that our founding fathers so meticulously built into the fabric of our nation. I find myself looking at a quote from Abraham Lincoln, “In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. “

There is now, in this country, a series of minor and consistent civil wars perpetrated upon the American people by the American people. A sense of the nation tearing itself apart in order that some might force their ideals and there personal morals upon those who do not agree. Groups of people who all want to demand that things be done their way and that everyone live by their code and their standards. Each one of them wanting to control the government and use it to control the people. Yet, ours is not a government intended to rule or dictate lifestyles and morals. Ours is a nation that is to be governed by those who represent the people, not rule over them.

So it is that we come to this place in our history. A place where, even as the government still operates in the manner it was created, the very foundation of this form of government is under attack by those who would use it as a weapon against the American people, rather than protect it and them. Christians are drawing battle lines against other Christians and the sinners they should be striving to love and redeem. Homosexuals are being forced to battle to have simple rights and freedoms. Militant atheists are battling to remove any mention of religion from our nation and denying it's profound impact on our history and culture. Whites continue to fight against blacks. Blacks fight against whites. The nation is torn apart by immigration issues and incompatible religious ideologies. And where are our leaders?

Our leaders are feeding the anger and frustration of the people in order to gain power. They wholly, and unequivocally, feed and encourage division in the name of strengthening and protecting. Whether it is in government or in the religious or the secular arena, our leaders have learned that they can feed the discontent and enrage the flock, in order to keep the positions of power by presenting themselves as the one who can win against the perceived and contrived enemy that lives next door.


It is this reason, above all others, that moved me to become a candidate for the President of the United States. As a Christian, I know JESUS has given no calling to HIS people to try to control the actions of others. As a Christian, I understand a fundamental principal that “LOVE NEVER DEMANDS ITS OWN WAY”. As an American, I believe in freedom. I believe in the rights of each individual to have LIFE and LIBERTY and to pursue HAPPINESS in whatever way a person chooses as long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others.

I know there is room enough in America for all of our citizens to live in peace and strive in unity for the advancement of all persons as equal before the law and GOD.

The change needed in this country does not come from legislation and governance, it comes from true leadership and the influence that a true leader can bring into the lives of the citizens. These changes come when the leaders no longer seek to fuel the anger and frustration, but strive to dissipate it into an understanding that no one has the only right way to do anything. You do not have to respect or like the choices of your neighbor. You just need to let them make them unhindered by your opinion of what is right and what is wrong. Government cannot legislate morality.

We have seen to what levels the morals of people can fall. When murder is determined to be acceptable, the laws will allow it. Because the people of America will decide it is OK. So, a million Americans are murdered. This is not a failing of our government. It is not a failing of our courts. It is a failing of the America citizens. It is a failing of the church.


Abortions don't happen because they are legal. Abortions are legal because a large segment of the American population wants them to be. It is wrong. It is murder. That is my opinion. If a law were passed, I would sign it. Just because something is legal doesn't mean you should do it. If something is illegal, doesn't mean people won't do it. In the end, the law isn't the answer here.

More abortions would be stopped by good leadership than by passing a good law. More abortions would be stopped by a president who stands in front of the America public and pleads for women not to do this to themselves, then can be stopped by pleading for the life of the baby or calling women “baby killers”. As a Christian, my focus is on spiritual and eternal things. While it is sad that there are a million babies murdered every year, it breaks my heart that there are a million women in such a spiritually dark place that the murder of their baby is even an option. Knowing that spiritual darkness only gets darker after taking a human life, makes me more prone to speak to these women and plead with them for their own sake, and not for the sake of a baby that will be in the hands of JESUS.

That is how a president can end abortions. That is how JESUS would do it.

We need to stop fighting with each other and start speaking and living peace. Those who follow the man who said “Blessed are the peacemakers” and “Live at peace with all men” need to lead the way of peace and turn the other cheek, walk the extra mile, and if they take you to court, give them more than what they ask for. Because, even though our enemies do not war the way JESUS said for us to war, we Christians are obligated to follow HIS plans and HIS ways. If we Christians will do that, we can lead this nation back to strength and courage and prosperity like none of us has seen before.

That is how social issues are dealt with in a free society. By leadership, not legislation

Our government has been bankrupted by a combination of “the art of the deal” and the idea that crept into the heads of Americans that the government is supposed to solve all their problems and disputes. I dealt with the disputes issue above. (We have too many leaders who want to use the government as a weapon against American citizens in order to win an argument and to have their own way) We are not a nation of “majority rule” We are a constitutional republic. Even if the majority and the congress want something, the Supreme Court has to rule whether it is in keeping of equal rights for the individual.

The art of the deal, in congress, works like this;

Senator A wants Senator B to vote for proposition A. Senator B agrees to vote for proposition A only if Senator A will Vote for Proposition B and get senators C and D to vote for Proposition B. So Senator A talks to Senator C about voting for proposition B and Senator C agrees if Senator A will vote for Proposition C and Proposition D as well and getting Senator B to vote for C, D and K. Multiply that times 100 and you can see why the art of the deal costs you Trillions of dollars.

The art of the deal is made possible in large part by the seniority system in government. TERM LIMITS would eliminate some of the power that one congressman can wield over another. TRANSPARENCY, true transparency, would go a long way as well. If I write a law and submit it to congress. Members of congress will add riders to it that have nothing to do with it. Oft times, these riders result in its defeat, rather than the original intent of the law. These riders are added in order to get them passed on a bill that has support, because what is being funded in the riders doesn't have enough support. A president who informs to the American people all the Senators and Representatives who put these riders on the laws the people want, has the power to empower the people to remove those congresspersons who are a hindrance to the policy of the president.

This nation, when it was founded, was founded with a government that was not established to take care of the wants and needs of the people. It was supposed to take care of national defense and promote “General Welfare”. It was never supposed to support individual welfare.

Many years ago I heard a story about Davey Crocket. In the tale, as I remember it, there was a time when a widow of an admiral who had given great service to the nation, came to congress for assistance, as she had fallen on herd times. After many speeches of support, Mr. Crocket stood and spoke of the very real fact that the congress had no right of law, or conscience, to take the money of the public and give it to a private citizen. The request was denied. However, in a previous vote M. Crocket, caught up in the enthusiasm of a moment, had voted a large sum to be used to assist after the Georgetown fire. This opened the barn door.
(you can find the entire story at this address

Long since the barn door was opened, many finely intended herds have escaped to cripple and destroy the very foundations of our country. So much so, that the rapid gallop towards socialism (or communism if you prefer) has bankrupted our nation and caused an insane amount of money to be collected from those who work for a living, to be given to those who do not. While this seems like good Christian charity and divine provision, it is in fact extortion and theft. As Davey Crocket would say, “I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has no power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member upon this floor knows it. We have the right, as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right so to appropriate a dollar of the public money.

In ALL cases, socialism results in exploitation of the poor and working class. In every historic account, where the people are allowed to be idle, with no need to strive for their survival, destruction and sloth have consumed and destroyed both them and the nation that supported them. Our government was not meant for this. If we are to maintain some semblance of the nation our forefathers established, then it is incumbent on the citizens to fend for themselves. It is necessary that the peoples of America take care of one another. This, once again, is the cause to which the Christians church is called, and one of the many purposed for their existence that they have shirked off. This nation is founded with the idea that the Christian church would hold fast to the teachings of our savior and would follow HIS commands and precepts, even if there arises those who will not.

The plan that JESUS set down, that HIS people would pool their money together and care for one another, has been so completely rejected that the church has, on occasion, been helped in its efforts by the act of a president to use the funds of the government to support faith based ministries. This is one of the great embarrassments of the church.

70% of the population of America claim to be Christians. (Now, this doesn't mean 70% are Christians) However, if 70% of the nation were to bring a simple, minimal tithe to the storehouse, the Christian church would have enough money to feed the hungry, house the homeless and clothe the naked. As well as provide healthcare for the needy and keep people from losing their homes. All this while requiring work in return for help and establishing care for the needy. The Christian Church could solve ALL the social problems in America. Even racism and illegal immigration, and abortion.

Here is the point, the America citizen needs to be re-educated to understand that the government is not the answer to their issues. The government is not a weapon to use against other Americans just because you do not agree with them and their choice of lifestyle. The America people need to take care of each other and remove the burden from the government. If the Christians in America will not do it, then there is no hope to salvage the nation that conceived started here 200+ years ago.

Now, to empower the American people to do more to take care of each other. The government needs to create a more fair and simple tax plan. We need to remove the burden from the working poor and distribute it equally among those who have been blessed to receive benefit from their life in America. So, if I were your president, this is the plan I would strive to achieve;

Every American would pay a 20% flat tax. There would be a standard deduction of $25,000. Each person who makes $25,000 or less, would get a full refund. That is the basics. This tax would also include the funding of Social Security and a plan to pay of the national debt.

America has become such a disposable society that we even determine that our veterans and senior citizens are something to be treated like disposable diapers. They cover us for a while and then we crap on them and toss them away. Once again, I admit my Christian values influence me here. I think we should hold our veterans and seniors in high esteem and treat them like the people who maintained this country and kept it safe and strong and supported its economy and infrastructure, while keeping us protected. There is no group that does more to hold our economy together then those who work basic labor jobs for 50 years of their lives. We should reward these people for their contribution, not treat them like dead weight.

To this end, there are three major components to my plan;

  1. Relief of the poor
  2. Fully funding Social Security
  3. Paying off the national debt

*The first point is obvious. By using a standard deduction of $25,000 we give a full refund to those who make $25,000 or less. This means that the person who makes $50,000 only pays 10%. It creates the flat tax most Americans seem to favor and it removes some of the tax burden from the poorest, working class Americans. The person doing the basic 9-5 also has no need to file for their refund. This saves them billions.

(side note: If it could be done, I would give the refund at the end of November so families could have the money for Christmas gifts or Christmas vacations. I think this would serve to strengthen some family bonds. Or, half then and half at the end of April)

*The second aspect may not get as much support right away. It will from the seniors and working poor, but not the wealthy. Particularly because the percentage rate is high at this point. However, that percentage will be reduced once there is a good reserve. Likely after the first year.

Five percent will go to Social Security. (this is why 20% isn't that high. Most working class Americans lose more than 20% out of their checks now when you add SS)

Even though a person who makes $25,000 a year will get a full refund of their money, that $25,000 will be counted as Social Security income just like it is now. So, in return for the use of the money, and the contribution to society and the necessary support work they provide for those years of work, those who make a little more will cover those who don't. This tax rate will likely be closer to 2% after the first year. I think it is reasonable for America to take care of those people who scraped along in the minimum wage jobs and lived paycheck to paycheck. Rewarding those who mowed the grass and flipped the burgers with such a small percentage of our income is right.

This is not a welfare program. This is reward for people who supported us for 50 years. This is a support program to honor our elders, which is good and right.

I know that Social Security is a mess. It is a bureaucratic nightmare. It is run by the government, so of course it is. It needs to be fixed. I know that. But, those in power and the rich elite will not do it. They do not think like the working poor. They have no clue. They think they can privatize it and give every person the chance to choose how to invest that money in order to make more money. That sounds real good to them. But, it doesn't to millions of American who are going to live off of it. I will tell you why.

Most Americans who are relying on Social Security to survive, are not in the habit of investing or day trading. They get a check and they pay their bills. When they get old, they want to sign a piece of paper and get a check every month and pay their bills. That is all they want. No money in the markets. No investment portfolios. That stuff is too scary. Just give them a check every month from the government and make sure the government fulfills the promise and requirements.

The difference between the career politicians and the wealthy elite who run this country, and the working class and me is that the people running this country do not have a mother who lives off of her $800 a month SS check. So, we need to make sure that those folk, like my mother, have that available and as simple as can be. It wouldn't hurt to increase the payments a little either.

*Paying off the national debt has been a battle cry of the people for decades. Now, it is at a huge sum of 18 Trillion+ dollars. This has weakened America in the international stage and we need to end it.

It only takes about 7-10 percent in flat tax to fund the operation of this country. There is an additional 5% tax in this plan to pay off the debt. Five percent will raise nearly three trillion dollars a year. We should have the nation debt free in 7 years from its inception. It has to be done.

Now, after that time, we reduce the rate to 13% total. Although, we could leave it up and reduce other taxes to alleviate more taxes off the poor. Future determination based on future information and conditions in America.

Commander and Chief stuff (foreign policy and veterans affairs)

I spent 9 years in the Navy in the submarine fleet. I will not cavalierly spend human lives like was done in Bengahzi. We seem to lose the value of human life more and more as our nation goes further and further away for fundamental values. I will not do that.

I use the VA healthcare system. There are things we need to do with that. Not the least of these is the need to care about our veterans the way civilian doctors care about their patients. Maybe they do too many tests, but it is better than not enough.

The system needs many more urgent care facilities. Or a more sure certainty that the VA will cover the costs, even when nothing is found to be wrong, if you go to a hospital emergency room.

I am one of those people who would have likely died if it were not for being persistent and then falling into the care of a civilian emergency room doctor. I had my triple by-pass before I had a heart attack only because of the insistence of an emergency room doctor. The VA would have had me waiting another couple of months.

We really could use to get some of those churches that would be led to do good works to focus on helping veterans in need. While the government should take care of them, the church is better equipped and more efficient. Still, with us all working together, we can do better.

Syrian Muslim refugees, IS, Al'Quaeda, Taliban, etc

This is the singularly most pressing, untenable situation in the world today. There is no way to stop what is going on with radical Muslims in the world. If we killed every member of every known group of terrorist today, new ones would pop up tomorrow. These people follow a belief that requires them to kill the infidels. This is the foundation of their understanding of their religion. There is no way to stop this other than an act of GOD. Should the message of peace and grace found in the teachings of JESUS find its way into the hearts and minds of the citizens of the Middle East, than there would be hope. As I said, this would take an act of GOD.

America has only one course of action for the wars and struggles in the Middle East. Containment and disruption. If we contain the Muslims to the region of the world that is on the other side of the ocean, we have a chance to not be victimized by these religious zealots. As long as we can keep them busy and disorganized, we can disrupt their ability to attack here at home. There in lies the rub.

Our current administration is going full speed ahead to bring 200,000 people from an area where “Death to America” is as common as “Hello”. On top of that, there is a movement to bring 200,000 to Canada, and Mexico, and Central America, and many more to the countries of South America. In the end, our leaders are planning to support over a million enemies of America to be imported to the nations south and north of our very unsecured boarders.

In my book I write about how Islam would take over this country by 2032. I couldn't see how it could happen until just recently. Now, I see how this president has continually undermined any hope America has of avoiding the carnage that we only see on TV.

I do have a military strategy for IS and Al'Quaeda. I can't share it now or there will be a full defense in place by the time I am president. I can tell you it will cost less money and less American lives. For now, we have to stop the current leadership from orchestrating our destruction.

There is an ever changing world that will be completely different in a year and a half. There will be new threats and different topographies. The battle lines will be redefined and different leaders will be in play. We have no control over those issues at all. We only have the certainty of the few things we can do to improve the conditions in this country.

In the end, the real power to change the course of the nation and the world lies at the doorstop of the Christian church. We need a revival in the churches and an awakening in the nation. There is nothing government and courts and laws can do to fight the spiritual sickness that has torn this nation apart.

So, what kind of person qualifies to be president of the United States? Let's look at the options and ideals of those available and the pundits that comment on what a President should be.

I recently heard one of the talking head media folk espousing how they wouldn't support anyone who didn't have good experience as a governor. A number of governors have stepped up and proclaimed they have balanced the budgets in their states and so they should be president. Examination?

They balanced their budgets by exploiting the poor with lotteries and the proliferation of slot machines and gambling establishments. They balanced their budgets with billions of dollars from the federal government. How does any of that translate to being president? There is no national lottery and there is no magic pot of gold above the level of federal government. (Unless you borrow it).

How about the senators in the race. I have heard them say how horrible it is that the veterans are treated so badly. They are the ones in the position to have done something about it for years. So..?????

Then there are those who feel the country should be run like a corporation. Folks, corporate America is run with the idea of borrow, borrow, borrow, declare bankruptcy. Borrow, borrow, borrow, declare bankruptcy. Let's try this. Didn't work. Declare bankruptcy and restructure. This is the mentality some think we should put into a government that is already in borrow mode. Makes no sense to me.

Frankly, I think the country should be run like a family. The only people who actually balance a budget in America is that family living on $40,000 a year with mom and dad and two kids. They seem to be the only ones who get the idea of not buying things they can't afford.

We need a leader who will influence the America people to peace within our borders. Someone needs to stand up and say it is not necessary that we all embrace the same morals and ethics. We do not have to agree with each other to live in peace with each other. We don't all have to be the same. We need a leader who will not try to use the government to force a religion or a belief on those who disagree. We need a spirit of peace and we need an act of GOD.

We need a leader who can bring the blessings of GOD to the nation. Because without them, no amount of human effort or planning or feigned attempts at righteousness will matter. Christians doing things the way JESUS said to do them, and not doing things in HIS name HE never said to do, is ultimately the best way for any society to function.

So, the president of the United States must lead by example, with word and deeds, to speak peace into the hearts and minds of the nation. This cannot be legislated. It must be modeled. Only a spirit of peace and unity coming from the off ice of the President can dispel the darkness and anger and frustration that has gripped America's young people and threatened our future and our present.

There are thousands of other issues on the hearts and minds of Americans. In the end, most of them come down to a change in attitude and a focus on others rather than self. In the end, it all comes down to the wisdom of JESUS being embraced by HIS people.