Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Finally: A Clearer Understanding

Finally: A Clearer Understanding

My friends,

I have for years been teaching that our ways of doing things are wrong. I have written a book to explain it. I have operated a ministry to explain it. Even with all I had come to see, I still couldn't get a complete handle on it.

Recently, I wrote this quote that the LORD gave me: (thank you JESUS)

When Rome made the church a part of government, it stopped operating as men empowered by GOD and began acting like men entitled by GOD and empowered by position”

Since that time, I have been kicking around what it actually means and I think I get it now.

The first church, the church JESUS left behind, was a church that represented HIM very well. It was meek and humble and spent every day knowing that it needed the power and protection of GOD. It operated in stealth mode in humility. It went quietly along doing the one thing JESUS told it to do, spread the gospel and save souls. It was like a whisper in the crowd. Slowly changing the hearts of the people and the course of the nation. Its power was in the wee small voice. Ssshhhh... Then it became a part of government. Then it became a majority. And...


You see, GOD resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. There is much resistance from GOD against the actions and plans of the Christian church. There is not a lot of grace in the battles.

The pride and arrogance humanism, human power, human position, kicked GOD to the side. Marching forward in its own power, and denying the salvation power of JESUS, it ignored the simple ideals of Christian liberty. The church shatters the peace and unity of a nation and attacks the sinners in it. It represents an aggressiveness towards sinners that JESUS never had in Himself. Through it all, in HIS long suffering patience, GOD keeps letting them fail in the teaching of a lesson that they have no power apart from HIS plans and purposes.

We, the Christian church, are the ones given authority, power, a mandate, and a plan from GOD for changing the course of the nations and bringing peace to the land. Let's try to return to that time when we were afraid to stick our heads out. Let's return to that time when the Christian church was going quietly about its business. Lets return to a time of real humility and trust in GOD to direct the course of the nation in accordance with HIS grace and promises to HIS people.

 “If my people will humble themselves and pray...”

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Being the Stone

Recently I was reminded of the story of David and Goliath. Now, that story is used most often from the standpoint of Christians being David and standing against their Goliath. Which is a nice use of the story. However, as I was in prayer group the other day the story of David came up and I found myself saying I wanted to be the stone. Because, that is what I am.

“The battle is the LORD's”. So, I do not need to be David. JESUS has taken that position and is very good at it. I certainly do not want to be Goliath. I don't really want to be the army quaking in the background. I am the stone.

The stone is a solitary figure. Oh, he has some close friends in the pouch with him. They have been down that same river together and have had the rough edges polished off and been tumbled to a consistent smoothness. JESUS has collected them together to carry into the battle. But, when the time comes for JESUS to hurl the stone at the giant, the other stones hang back. They stay in the pouch. IN the end, it is just the single stone that has been slung out on its path.

The stone would like them to be along with him. After all, five stones headed at the same target makes you feel a lot better than being out there alone. But, it doesn't work out that way. The truth is, while your friends might give you some moral support, they will likely think your mission is foolhardy and futile. So they will sit back at let you fly into that giant all by yourself. You can't blame them.

In the end, those other stones are in that pouch at the behest of JESUS. They can no more choose to load themselves into that sling then you could choose not to be. Because, when you are the stone, you have been prepared for such a time as this. JESUS loads you up and slings you out and it is you and the target. You have to slay your giant on your own when you are the stone.

But, the really great thing about being the stone is that you know JESUS aims true. You may not know your objective, but you can be sure that you will achieve it and you will accomplish exactly what JESUS has decided for you to do. And your friends that you wish were supporting and helping you? They are back in the comfort of the pouch waiting to see what happens. This is the life of the stone and I wouldn't want to be anything else.

Because, once that giant hits the ground, the entire army of GOD is waiting behind you. When you finally slay that first giant, they see that the battle is won and they charge forward. The LORD comes to finish the enemy and retrieved the stone for another battle.

Right now, I am an unknown candidate for president of the United States. Even though I have friends who know people of influence, they are back in the pouch. There is just me. I wish they would JESUS would pull them out and fling them along with me, but they have another role to play. They will hopefully join me when the first giant falls. Perhaps, they will see that many giants have already fallen.

Because, it wasn't long ago I was living in a warehouse with no job and no money and a lot of spiders and mice. GOD raised me from that place. That is one giant down. GOD used that time to hone my faith and trust in HIM. HE knocked off my rough edges and made me fit for the battle. That is a second giant down. Finally, HE set me in a place, gave me a mindset, and set me on this path. Many more giants stand before me, but I know that the army of GOD waits for the next one to fall.

Being the stone is a place that with a couple of good friends. But, eventually, it is a place where it is just you flying at a target.